8 Best Plants to Attract Hummingbirds to Your Yard

Cardinal Climber

With its ferny foliage and small red flowers fashioned like stars that hummingbirds adore, this heirloom plant is attractive. These plants are vines, as their name implies, and they grow swiftly to cover a fence or trellis. 


Hummingbirds can get early-season nectar from columbine, a spring blossom. It comes in a variety of hues, likes lower springtime temps, and rapidly self-seeds.


Sunflowers may grow up to ten feet tall and come in a wide variety of colors and heights. They are also very simple to produce from seed! Though all pollinators adore them, they provide hummingbirds with essential late-season nourishment. 


The most exotic-looking blooms are found in fuchsia. They are available in hot pink, pastel pink, and purple hues. The flowers look their finest when they cascade out of window boxes and baskets.


Choose cuphea if you are only going to plant one flower for your hummingbirds. This lovely flower adores the heat so much. If you give it fertilizer and water, it will continue to bloom well into fall. It's among the greatest in the world at drawing hummingbirds.


These gorgeous flowers for a cottage garden are an absolute necessity for garden borders. Hummingbirds adore them, of course, but their vivid pink, purple, or blue colors and stunning upright form will also win you over.

Cardinal Flower

The gorgeous tube-shaped vivid red flowers of this native perennial draw hummingbirds. Particularly in damp or marshy environments, it thrives.


Gardeners have long loved petunias because they look good in planters, window boxes, baskets, and landscaping beds, among other places. Hummingbirds are drawn to their tubular-shaped flowers, which come in an array of colors.