7 Deer-Resistant Shade Plants to Have in Your Garden


Dry-tolerant Epimedium species develop clumps and look great in shady gardens. In early April, their vivid, nodding blossoms and scarlet leaves stand out. Barrenwort is a low-maintenance.

Bleeding Heart

These shade-loving forest plants grow quickly and are attractive. Heart-shaped blooms hang from arching branches of the bleeding heart plant. Each blossom has one white petal, thus its popular name.

Japanese Painted Fern

Most ferns are shade-loving and deer-resistant, but the Japanese painted fern stands out. The purple midrib and silvery-green arching fronds distinguish this slow-growing species.


Deer dislike herbaceous perennial lungwort. The tubular flowers fade rapidly but give color to your landscape early in spring. The speckled, fluffy leaves adds interest in summer and autumn.

Wild Ginger

Wild ginger, unlike culinary ginger (Zingiber officinale), is unadvisable. Still, the plant is a great deer-resistant shade garden addition. The glossy green leaves provide the ideal thick, textured ground cover.

Pig Squeak

When you hear their common name, you may not try bergenias. Pig squeaks are delightful, deer-resistant spring bloomers. Their lovely foliage becomes a dark brown in autumn.

Siberian Bugloss

Springs' small, vivid, and four-week-long blue blooms distinguish Siberian bugloss. Siberian bugloss, a slow-growing ground cover, flowers like the deer-resistant forget-me-not but prefers shade.